Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Solved Problems on Cyclic Quadrilateral.

Introduction to Cyclic Quadrilateral.

A Quadrilateral whose all four vertices lie on the circumference of the same circle is called a Cyclic Quadrilateral. As all the vertices are on same circle, so they are called Concyclic. Thus, a Cyclic Quadrilateral can be circumscribed. The circumcenter may or may not lie in the interior of the Quadrilateral

Sample problems on cyclic Quadrilateral.

Let me help you go through few sample example on Cyclic Quadrilateral.

Problem: 1

The Cyclic Quadrilateral ABCD,
In the Cyclic Quadrilateral ABCD,
80 + Similarly, 120° + Hence,
Problem: 2

ABCD is a Quadrilateral circumscribed by a circle with center O. The diagonal AC is also the diameter of the circle. Find

Since AC is the diameter
therefore, Now, 90° + Hence,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Help perpendicular lines

Introduction on perpendicular lines:-
In geometry, two lines or plane are considered perpendicular to each others if they form congruent adjacent angles The term may be used as a noun or adjective. Thus, referring to Figures , the line AB is the perpendicular to CD through the point B.

Note that by definitions, a line is infinitely long, and strictly speaking, This could also help us on human proportions. AB and CD in this example represent line segments of two infinitely long lines.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Help with basic algebra

Introduction to online free algebra helper:

We had been learning on math in different topics. When we talk about the basic math learning let me share with you on beginning algebra. Online is one of the best tools for students who are studying from their home. Through online students can get instant help for their doubts at any point of the world also they can clarify their doubts with the real person at the moment. In concert with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatory, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics. In this lesson .. we are going to learn about step by step explanation for online free algebra helper.

Practice Problems for Online Free Algebra Helper:

Problem 1:

Estimate the given algebraic equation to solve step by step use the elimination method

4a+ 2b = 12,

2b + 4c = 12,

4c + 2a = 12

Answer: a = 2, b = 2, c = 2. This could also help you on multiplying polynomials

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what is independent variable

In this section let me help you on what is independent variable. If S is an example type with a measure intend and X is actual valued content delimited above the fact of S, succeeding X is celebrated as haphazard star. A haphazard distortable is also called a risk star or a stochastic quantity. Random variables are victimized in the see of amount. They were industrial to provide the excogitate of games of alternative, stochastic actions, and outcome of bailiwick experiments. By becharm exclusive the arithmetical concept required to respond probabilistic questions.

Types of Random variables: This could also help us on sum of products

* Separate Stochastic quantity

* Uninterrupted Random star. This could also help us on free statistics

Definition Separate Ergodic Multivariate:

If a haphazard uncertain takes sole a impermanent or a denumerable integer of values, it is called a separate random shifting, to use quantity machine.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Help with math sequences

Introduction to math sequences:-
When a set of numbers obey a particular laws, we call it a sequence. Each number of the sequence is called a term.
The first number is called the first term. It is denoted by the letter 'a'. The sequence are written with a comma between
Example 1, 5, 9, 13, 17........... is a sequence.
The law obeyed by this sequence is additions of 4 to each term.
A sequence in which the successive term are increased or decreased by a constant term is called Arithmeticsin-1 or Arc sin. This could also help us on properties of parallelograms

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

how to find the perimeter

perimeter of a shape:
Today let me help you on how to find the perimeter.

A perimeter is a path that surrounds an area. The word comes from the Greek word peri (about) and meter (calculate).

The term may be used also for the path or its length - it can be thoughts of as the distance end to end of the sketch of a shape.

The perimeters of a round area is called circumference.

The perimeters of a polygon is the space around the outside of the polygon.This could also help us with long division method

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Help with multiplying and dividing integers

Today let me help you on multiplying and dividing integers. Since we had studied more on theoretically let me give you an exercise to help you learn better.
Help with multiplying and dividing integers
1 Simplify:
(- 5)(- 8)
A ) 40
B ) - 13
C ) 13
D ) - 40

2 Simplify:
(- 5)(- 8)
A ) 40
B ) - 13
C ) 13
D ) - 40

3 What is the value of - 42 × 2 × - 6?
A ) - 504
B ) 504
C ) - 96
D ) 96. This could also help you on lateral area of a cone