Showing posts with label math help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math help. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2010

Help on Line Seqments

Introduction to names line segments:
In this section let me help you on line segments. Two end points is the segment, so would never be recognized by only a letter, but relatively as segment CD. The unlimited extension of a segment is the line, and equally labeled as the line. A circle is recognized with an only a line, but this is unusual. The circle is focused in the middle points and radius. In the geometry, the line segment is the division of the line.

Properties of the names line segments:
One of the properties is the line segment is connect to the non empty set.
If the topological vector space is V than a closed set of the closed line segment is the V. these two concepts is defined order geometry in the line segment. This could also help us on adding square roots.

Names of the Line Segments:
There are two types of the names of the line segments. These are the endpoints and single latter.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Help on Ellipse Formula

Introduction to an ellipse:

In this section let me call on ellipse formula. An ellipse is the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from a fixed point is in a constant ratio, less than one, to its distance from a fixed line.

The fixed point is called the focus of the ellipse. The fixed line is called the directrix of the ellipse. The constant ratio is called the eccentricity of the ellipse and is denoted by e.

Equation of an Ellipse

Let S(h,k) and ax+by+c=0 be the focus and directrix of an elipse respectively. Let e be the eccentricity of the ellipse.

Let P(x,y) be a general point on the ellipse.This could also help us on types of friction

General form

(a2+b2)[(x-h)2+(y-k)2] = e2(ax+by+c)2

Friday, July 30, 2010

Prime Numbers 1-100

Introduction to prime numbers 1-100:

Prime numbers are the numbers it can be divided only by 1 and the number itself.Prime numbers cannot have any thing or factors except one and the number by itself. The +ve(positive) integers are divided into two such as prime numbers and composite integers.Totally there is 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100. So remaining are the composite numbers.

Problems of Prime Numbers between 1-100
solving prime numbers 1-100:

Here we mentioned the prime numbers from 1 to 100 only

So many prime numbers are there.

Let us see some examples, This can also help us on properties of hydrogen

Example 1:

To determine the given number is prime or not :one hundred forty-three ?

The factors of 143 are 1, 11, 13,143

So here we have factors for 143 other than 1 and 143

So this is not a prime number

The remaining prime number compare than other numbers are called composite number

So 143 is a composite number

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Help on Factor Polynomial Calculator

Introduction to learn factor polynomials calculator:

In this session let me help you on factor polynomial calculator. Calculator is used to solve different types of problems. It is a web-based tool designed to solve different problems.Learning factor polynomials through calculators is simple.

Factor polynomials calculator are used to understand the polynomials factorization. Given expression can be factorized by using the greatest common factor. Let us discuss about the learn factor polynomials calculator.
Steps to Learn Factor Polynomials Calculator:
This can also help us on radius of a circle

The Steps to learn factor polynomials are as follows:

* Given expression can be arranged in the order of powers.
* Expression can be in the form of standard ax2 + bx + c = 0.
* The expression should be factorized.
* Solve the given terms.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Note on Matrices Determinans

In this lesson let me help you on matrices and determinants. Before i go more deeper on this let me help you on what is all about Matrices.


1. A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, arranged in rows and columns.

2. Order of a matrix = Number of rows in it x Number of columns in it

3. Row matrix is a matrix with only one row.

4. Column matrix is a matrix with only one column.

5. Zero or Null matrix is a matrix in which every element is zero.

Determinants and Matrices

Matrices : A rectangular array of entries is called a Matrix. The entries may be real, complex or functions. The entries are also called as the elements of the matrix.

Determinants : Let A = [aij] be a square matrix. We can associate with the square matrix A, a determinant which is formed by exactly the same array of elements of the matrix A. A determinant formed by the same array of elements of the square matrix A is called the determinant of the square matrix

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

what is trigonometry

In this section let me help you understand on what is trigonometry with the simple introduction.
Introduction to Trigonometry:
In Greek 'Trigonon' means a triangle. 'Metron' means a measure. The combination of these two words gives us the word 'Trigonometry'. Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of triangles. In our study we will deal with the right angled triangles only.

What is trigonometry?
Trigonometry is a fascinating tool, initially conceived from chords in a Unit-Circle it has wide applications and whenever space is involved Trigonometry equations is used irrespective of the area of interest. Trigonometry involves the study of concepts like the Sine, Cosine, Tangent and Cotangent. Get best Trigonometry help at TutorVista from best Trigonometry tutors

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Help on area regular polygon

What is a regular polygon?
Area regular polygon are polygons which all sides are equal in length and also all the angles measures same in degrees. In other words a regular polygon is equilateral and equiangular. For example: a square, a triangle having all sides equal.

Ways to Find Area of Regular Polygons

There are many ways to find the area of a regular polygon.
1) When length of the side of regular polygon is given
In area of polygons all sides are equal in length. Even if length of one side is given we can calculate area of a regular polygon using the formula below
AREA = S2 N / 4 tan ( Π / N ) S- length of any one side
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
2) When the radius of a regular polygon given
AREA = [R2 N sin ( 2 Π / N ) ] / 2 R - radius of a regular polygon
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
sin - is a sine function
3) Given the Apothem (The perpendicular distance from center to vertex)
AREA = A2 N tan ( Π / N ) A - Length of the apothem
N - No. of sides of a regular polygon
tan - tangent function
4) Given both the apothem and side length
Here first determine the perimeter by multiplying the side length by N. The area can now be calculated as below
AREA = AP / 2 A - Length of the apothem
P = perimeter

Monday, June 21, 2010

Quadratic Equations as Polynomial

Before we learn about quadratic equations as polynomial let's try to analyze about .... Is quadratic equation a polynomial?! Let's derive..
An expression of the form

in which ai are numbers belonging to some number system and 'n' is a non-negative integer, is called a polynomial.
ai are called the coefficients of if ao 0, the polynomial is said to be of degree n.
Value of the Quadratic Polynomial -

If x is replaced by a number from a number system to which ai belong, we get a number called a value of a quadratic polynomial..

Notation of any polynomials or quadratic polynomial -

Usually a polynomial is denoted by P(x) and if k is any number then P(k) denotes the value of P(x) at x=k. Then a polynomial can be used to define a function with x or y or any letter of the alphabet. The coefficient of the polynomial may belong to any system of numbers.

Note on Random Variable and Probability Distribution

Let us try to analyze and understand more on Random Variable and Probability Distribution along with their differences.

Random variable

Let S be a sample space associated with a given random experiment.
A real valued function X which assigns to each wi Î S, a unique real number.


There can be several r.v's associated with an experiment.
A random variable which can assume only a finite number of values or countably infinite values is called a discrete random variable.
e.g., Consider a random experiment of tossing three coins simultaneously. Let X denote the number of heads then X is a random variable which can take values 0, 1, 2, 3.

Continuous random variable

A random variable which can assume all possible values between certain limits is called a continuous random variable.

Discrete Probability Distribution

A discrete random variable assumes each of its values with a certain probability,
Let X be a discrete random variable which takes values x1, x2, x3,…xn where pi = P{X = xi}
X : x1 x2 x3 .. xn
P(X): p1 p2 p3 ..... pn
is called the probability distribution of x.

Note 1:

In the probability distribution of x

Note 2:

P{X = x} is called probability mass function.

Note 3:

Although the probability distribution of a continuous random variable cannot be presented in tabular form, it can have a formula in the form of a function represented by f(x) usually called the probability density function.

Probability distribution of a continuous random variable

Let X be continuous random variable which can assume values in the interval [a,b].
A function f(x) on [a,b] is called the probability density function if